
World Languages

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Wasan Al Qaisi

Arabic Teacher

Ellen Brennan

French Teacher

I am a veteran Spanish and French teacher with over 20 years of classroom experience. I began my teaching career in Michigan after receiving a BA from Kalamazoo College. I am passionate about Middle School, though I have taught all ages and all levels. My commitment to teaching and second language acquisition continues to be a driving force in my life; in particular, creating engaging and effective classrooms where every student belongs, acquires confidence and competence, and sees themselves as a natural language learner. An Arlington resident and mother of two, I enjoy golfing, spending time with family, hiking, traveling, playing the piano and reading.

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Janet Bixby

Latin Teacher

I was born, raised and taught several years in Ohio; I have lived and taught in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and Saginaw Township, Michigan. We have had 4 exchange students live with us throughout the years. I have traveled to Japan, Sweden and of course, Italy.

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Gisella Caballero

Spanish Teacher

I am originally from Buenos Aires, Argentina. I graduated from George Mason University. Previously, I taught Spanish in the FLES program at Barrett Elementary School, and this is my third year teaching Spanish at DHMS. In my free time, I love traveling to getting to know new places and spending time with my niece.

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Danielle Cortes

Spanish Teacher and Department Lead

I am originally from Cleveland, Ohio and still consider it "home"! I spent a total of 5 years in Spain, both studying and working, which is when I met my husband. We have lived in Arlington for 10 years now and have a 2.5 year old son, along with three cats! I LOVE animals and volunteer with an animal rescue organization as often as possible. In my free time (which is very limited), I love to be outdoors, practice yoga, read, and watch Friends. I am also an expert napper and will squeeze one in whenever possible!

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Janet Luu

Teacher, Chinese 1

I am from Taipei, Taiwan and have lived in the U.S. for more than 40 years. I have been teaching Chinese 1 to IB at APS for 20 years. I am married with one son. I like to watch history documentary movies and travel.

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Jeremy Wintersteen

Teacher, Chinese 2

I became interested in Chinese culture at a young age, after reading an English translation of the classic novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms (三国演义). I lived and worked in China for five years, in the southwestern city of Kunming, and the capital, Beijing. In my free time, I love reading and writing. A few of my favorite books: Three Kingdoms, The Screwtape Letters, Nineteen Eighty-Four, The Lord of the Rings.

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Marc Zeballos

Spanish Teacher

I love teaching, soccer, my family, and playing the guitar.