
Phoenix Flyer #10

October 28, 2020

Good afternoon – The teachers were so excited to meet with all of their TA students and families on Thursday afternoon and Friday. The feedback from the meetings was excellent! Students were able to share their strengths in this online learning environment and make plans for future successes as they continue growing. If you were unable to attend the conference during that window, please reach out to your student’s TA teacher and arrange another time with them. They would love to connect with you!

Just a couple of updates for this week:

Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) lesson this week: Red Ribbon Week
This past Monday, October 26th, students were able to preview their third SEL lesson of the year. This week’s lesson, aligned with Virginia Standards of Learning (SOL), discusses Red Ribbon Week with Ms. Bowler, the substance abuse counselor. Students will learn how to create and practice a plan to help avoid alcohol, tobacco, inhalants, and other harmful substances in this coming week’s lesson. This subject will also be integrated throughout their teacher advisory (TA) classes. SEL lessons, along with our weekly wellness check-in, allow for us to truly address and help support our students in processing their physical and mental health needs during these unprecedented times. We are here not only to support our students but their families because we are all in this together!

SEL Resources for Families
Red Ribbon Week Activities for Parents
The SEL book of the week is How to Raise a Drug-Free Kid: The Straight Dope for Parents by Joseph A. Califano, Jr.   

How to Raise a Drug-Free Kid

DHMS Gifted Services Virtual Information Session: October 29th, 2020 at 7:30pm & November 2nd, 2020 at 12:30pm.
If you are interested in learning more about gifted services at DHMS, please join Kat Partington for a virtual info session on October 29th at 7:30pm or for the parent coffee-chat on November 2nd at 12:30pm. You can find the flyer and more information about gifted services on our school website, here. Also, if your student is interested in exploring some extra opportunities for challenge, please see the list of possible online enrichment and competitions she continues to compile and support.

Parent ChatsSo glad to see so many people on our Parent Chats. We have moved to a bi-weekly schedule. Our next Parent Chat will be Monday, November 2 at 12:30 PM and will feature Ms. Partington, our Resource Teacher for the Gifted. Mark your calendar. We will send the meeting link out the morning of the meeting. So far, we have had 40+ people at each parent chat! That’s amazing. We will keep the Monday schedule through the month of November – and switch to a new day/time in December.

Coaches’ Corner

This week we are highlighting:

Andral Hills, Exemplary Project Coordinator: The implementation of restorative justice is off to a great start at Dorothy Hamm Middle School. Here at Hamm, we believe that this dynamic way of handling conflict promotes understanding and healing over assigning blame or dispensing punishment. These practices develop self-esteem, teamwork, open communication, and active citizenship skills. Students are enjoying opportunities to discuss real-world scenarios and the most appropriate ways in which to handle them. Please stay tuned for the family connection!

Crystal Moore, Equity and Excellence Coordinator: Our Phoenix family is encouraged by all of the growing connections with our students and families! We are encouraging self-advocacy and student voice and we want to continue to promote our inclusive values in everything we do! Stay tuned for upcoming announcements regarding mentorship and opportunities to showcase our community! Visit our Equity and Excellence webpage for resources and updates!

Upcoming Dates of Importance:
Mon, Nov. 2 Last Day of the Grading Period
Wed, Nov. 4 Phase I Return to School