
Phoenix Flyer #4


Good afternoon, Phoenix Families – this week I’ve been helping my 22-year-old daughter pack up her room in preparation for a year-long move to Spain. She’s totally excited, and I am as well, but as we cleaned out closets and got rid of more stuffed animals than I could count, I couldn’t help thinking about her middle school years and how quickly the years since have passed.It is amazing, now, to look back on my daughter’s adolescence and consider her transformation into young adulthood – there were a few years where I wasn’t sure her adolescence was going to end.  But, it has, and now she heads off independently to build her Spanish skills, gain some work and life experience, and determine how she will give back to the world. Enjoy your young people at home, as time flies, and soon they too will be adventuring off into the world.

This week’s flyer shares information on Picture Days, Covid Testing, walking/biking guidance, things to know about our building, and a TikTok trend that is impacting schools nationwide (DHMS included).

  • DHMS Picture Days are Friday, 9/24 and Monday, 9/27.  Students will take pictures through their PE classes. Make up pictures will be taken in October.
  • Opt-In Covid Testing has begun at DHMS, Wednesday mornings 7:30 – 9:30. While our goal is to get students in and out, the fact is that over 180 students and staff members have signed up for this, and there will be some waiting. Students can come between 7:30 – 7:45 to get tested, or their TA teacher will have a pass waiting for them with their assigned time on it. Students will miss some of TA and/or First Period.
  • Please remind your bike riders to wear helmets as they ride and follow all traffic rules.  Once they are on school property, students should walk their bike to the bike racks.  The expectations are the same in the afternoon.
  • There are bottle fillers on every level of the building (and on each end of the building). I encourage your students to carry a water bottle and fill it regularly, especially as the weather continues to be warm.
  • There are two separate restrooms (boys and girls) on every floor of DHMS. Additionally, closest to Door 13 and the Aux Gym there is a set of bathroom stalls that are open to anyone. The left side of the bathroom is labeled boys – the right side is labelled boys/girls and has three separate stalls for student privacy. Please discuss these options with your youngsters.

Finally, I would like to ask that you take some time to talk to your students about a viral meme on the social media platform TikTok. The meme asks students to vandalize their school building in some way and promote this on TikTok. We have experienced some of this vandalism at DHMS this past week and ask for your help to make sure our students understand the seriousness of vandalism on school property. Of particular concern – students have ripped down and stolen soap dispensers in our bathrooms. All students and staff need to be able to wash their hands effectively. The DHMS Staff will continue to monitor the impacted areas closely. Please remind our students not to engage in this type of behavior and to share information with a staff member if they hear of or witness an event.

Save the date:

October 21 from 4-7 PM and October 22 from 8-Noon are Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences.  Your TA teacher will reach out in early October with more information and an opportunity to select a time to confer virtually.

Upcoming Dates:September 21 – PTSA Meeting
September 29 – Early Release Day – Dismissal at 11:54
October 4 – First Virtual Parent Chat
October 11 – No School for Students
October 19 – PTSA Meeting
October 21 (PM) and October 22 (AM) – Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences
October 27 – Early Release Day – Dismissal at 11:54