
Section: Gifted Services

Parent Information Sessions

February 11, 2022

Recording of Virtual Gifted Screening and Identification Presentation, February 29, 2024

Differentiation Reports

November 14, 2019

Differentiation in Action Differentiation is the practice of learning the interests and needs of each student and then implementing...

Book Recommendations

September 18, 2019

As an avid reader, I believe a good book can be that friend who always has great ideas and...

Resources for Families of Gifted Children

September 18, 2019


September 17, 2019

Each year, the total population of our school is screened by school staff to create a pool of eligible...

Services and Collaboration

September 17, 2019

Gifted students need opportunities to think abstractly, work at various rates and levels of complexity, and pursue tasks independently....

Gifted Services

September 12, 2019