You and your family are invited to join the DHMS PTSA. Your membership dues play an important role in funding our PTSA budget, allow you to vote on all DHMS PTSA matters, and show your support for our DHMS community. For the 2023-24 school year (July 1st, 2023 through June 30th, 2024), dues are $10 per adult, $5 per student, and $5 per teacher/staff. If dues are an obstacle, sponsorships are available so that our entire community can join the DHMS PTSA. To join the DHMS PTSA, you can:
- Pay Online: Join the DHMS PTSA online. The PTSA accepts online payments by credit or debit card through PayPal.
- Pay by Cash/Check: Complete the DHMS PTSA Membership Form (2023-24) and send it with your cash or check (payable to “DHMS PTSA”) to: DHMS PTSA (Attn: PTSA Membership), 4100 Vacation Lane, Arlington, VA 22207, or drop off your payment in a marked envelope to the DHMS front office.